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CYSE 495

This course led me to explore the national security dimension of cybersecurity and examine cyberwar in international relations. Our focus will start with looking at cybersecurity as a component of national security and investigate the topics of operational considerations in cybersecurity, planning in cyberwar, different national approaches to cyberwar.  The topics of cyber deterrence, cyber as a military domain, effects of international institutions in cyberwar were discussed and I was able to analyze cybersecurity matters related to national security affairs. The international security perspective of the course led me to view cybersecurity as a component of state power and make inferences about its utilization in international relations. Throughout the semester, as the debate over cybersecurity evolved, current discussions on the international dimension of cybersecurity got discussed within the course.


Project Paper

How Can We Build a Safer Cyberspace? 

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, I was able to:

  • State and relate the basic terminology and concepts in cybersecurity.

  • Describe the goal and structure of a national security strategy and compare it to a cybersecurity strategy.

  • Define and evaluate a contingency plan-related information security management.

  • Compare and evaluate the differing approaches of main state-level actors in cybersecurity.

  • Describe and discuss the functions and relevance of international institutions in cybersecurity.

  • Assess and interpret the applicability of basic military concepts like “deterrence” and “operational domain” in cybersecurity, defend own position in these topics. 

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