Use the letters of the word CYBERSECURITY to list legal ways to make money in cybersecurity.
Create app that rates software. Yacht GPS software that is secure By conducting vulnerability analysis Evaluating and conducting penetration testing Risk management Software tools Encryption and decryption of messages Cyber training programs Uber GPS software that is secure Reversing and analysis of malware Intrusion detection Technology support Youth cyber awareness to children
Part 2:
How has cyber technology created opportunities for workplace deviance? Today, it has become visual that cyber technology has created opportunities for people in the workplace to partake in deviant behavior, due that information is primarily stored online. In general, workplace deviance behavior means a group of people or an individual who have a desire to cause malicious harm to the workplace. An example of workplace deviance is when employees in an organization or workplace have access to sensitive information, and with that access, they abuse their power. This malicious intent with cyber technology has led to incidents such as insider trading, which has been a big problem occurring and affecting the workplace. It is when an employee takes organizational information and discloses it to someone else for their gain. A way cyber technology has been leading for insider trading to occur is that some malicious employees steal or observe the digital fingerprints of other employees to access the secretive information and selling it. Another example of workplace deviance with cyber technology is cyber loafing. Malicious employees can cause cyber loafing, where it would affect the quality and quantity of the work that the organization or workplace does and hurting the profiting side. Overall, with cyber technology, workplace deviance occurs if any employee with malicious intent uses the organization's cyber tools or gadgets.